Body Learning

^z 18th July 2023 at 3:46pm

The Alexander Technique is an approach to enhanced postural and body awareness. In many ways it all boils down to the Zen of "Attention", combined with a skeptical attitude toward the immediate evidence of one's senses. It was developed by Tasmanian actor Frederick Matthias Alexander in the late 1800s.

Body Learning: An Introduction to the Alexander Technique by Michael Gelb is mystical and muddled, frustrating in its lack of structure; it originated as a masters thesis. Since writing Body Learning (1981), Gelb has evolved into an inspirational speaker and author focusing on themes of creativity and leadership. His writing drips with "I", "me", and "my". It also lapses into unfortunate promotional hype and arbitrary jargon, with disclaimers that what he describes cannot be described, only shown.

But amidst the meandering come moments of poetry. In the chapter "Direction", for example, there's the striking suggestion:

Attention — something to give rather than something to pay

In greater context and somewhat more diffusely:

Attention is very different from what is usually called concentration. Concentration is often associated with a state of over-tension manifested by a furrowed brow and interference with breathing, almost as though one were trying to hold everything in place so as to be able to focus totally on a certain aspect of one's surroundings. Attention in the Alexandrian sense involves a balanced awareness of oneself and one's surroundings with an easy emphasis on whatever is particularly relevant at the moment.

Frank Jones has compared the process with spotlights on a lighted stage: the general surroundings are visible, while different parts receive greater emphasis according to their particular relevance. Alexander found that most people were unable to direct their attention and as a result suffered from 'mind wandering' or over-fixated concentration. Learning to apply the Alexander directions provides an invaluable experience in controlling one's powers of attention. Attention can become something we give rather than something we have to pay.

Other noteworthy tidbits:

  • "... This process of suspending judgement is an essential part of the Alexander Technique. It involves the cultivation of an objective and detached awareness that will enable us to apply the experimental method in studying our own behaviour. This takes some courage, as it may lead us to question our basic assumptions, but if we persevere our living and learning can evolve from a process of superimposing one habit on another to one of fundamental change and development. ..." ("Unreliable Sensory Appreciation")
  • "... Although I felt serious 'butterflies in the stomach', the application of inhibition and direction trained the butterflies to 'fly in formation'. ..." ("Further Adventures in Learning How to Learn")
  • "... the Alexander Technique does not involve doing anything new, at least as we usually understand doing. It is a process of stripping away the things we have imposed on ourselves so that the organism can work naturally and our reason can function without distraction. ..." ("Inhibition")
  • "... the solution to many seemingly difficult tasks is not to 'try harder' but to leave oneself alone. ..." (Utilizing Potential)

Gelb quotes himself in third-person at one point (often a danger sign!) as saying, "The essence of the Alexander Technique is to make ourselves more susceptible to grace." That's a sweet thought. Perhaps ...

^z - 2015-06-19